Biographical notes
Romano Ferrari Zumbini holds a degree (cum laude) in Humanities and a degree (cum laude) in Law, both at the Sapienza University of Rome; he also studied at the Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft of the Freie Universität, Berlin.
He obtained the National Qualification as a Full Professor in “Medieval and modern legal history” (class 12/H2) and as a Full Professor in “History of institutions and of political theory” (class 14/B1). Previuosly, he had also obtained the qualification for Assistant professor in “Legal history” (former class N19X) at the University of Sassari.
He teaches Legal History (Law Department) and Constitutional history (School of Government) at the LUISS “G. Carli” University, Rome. Previously, he has thaught History of modern codifications and History of Constitutions at the (former) Faculty of Law of the LUISS “G. Carli” University, Rome.
He also thaught (as a Lecturer) History of political institutions at the University of Messina (Faculty of Political Sciences) and History of modern codifications at the Roma Tre University, Rome (Faculty of Law).
He has regularly contributed to academic journals, such as “Bocconi Legal Papers”; “Analisi giuridica dell’Economia”; “Quaderni costituzionali”, “Giornale di Storia costituzionale”, “Le Carte e la Storia”, “Il Mulino”, etc.
In 2015, he has been a member of the Selection Board of the Mittner Preis/DAAD.
Recent writings:
–Cosa significa Fake-News? (Un concetto non chiaro e il rischio di far peggio) in 20 aprile 2020
–Al di là di questa Europa in 20 aprile 2020
–La narrativa della colpa:un’alba senza tramonto? Riflessioni critiche sul ‘vecchio uomo bianco’ in 16 gennaio 2020
–Il binocolo della Storia e il virus. Riflessioni su ipotesi di costituzionalismo a geometria variabile in Quaderni costituzionali (forum) 16 aprile 2020
–Tra norma e vita. Come si forma una Costituzione tra diritto e sentire comune. Luiss University Press, Roma, 2019, pp. 474
–Alla ricerca del limite perduto. Sulla necessità di recuperare il senso del tempo in 25 settembre 2019
–Tra finzione e realtà: riflessioni su tendenze storiografiche dal 1866 a oggi, in Giornale di Storia costituzionale, 2018, vol. 36, p. 53-67
–Antigone nel XXI secolo. Il caso Riace, l’immigrazione e il principio di realtà in 31 ottobre 2018
–Presentation of “Tra Norma e Vita. Il mosaico costituzionale a Torino 1846- 1849”, 25 May, 2017, Palazzo Giustiniani, in “Le Carte e la Storia”, 2018, n.1
–La Spontaneità come fonte nella storia costituzionale in Italia (1796-1920), University of Messina – Department of Legal and Political Sciences – Seminar on “Culture, institutions, law and society in the modern and contemporary age”, 9 March, 2017
–Europa fra “il” luogo e “un” non-luogo, in “Il Mulino”, 2016, 2, pp. 338-345
–Longing for a lost simplicity. Regenerating Europe: why not – (minus) instead of a + (plus), in Bocconi Legal Papers, 2016, 7, pp. 61-72